Conference History

2019 4th International Conference on Multimedia Systems and Signal Processing
May 10-12, 2019 / Guangzhou, China  

2019年第四届多媒体系统和信号处理国际会议于2019年5月10-12日在中国·广州 召开

Opening Remarks by Prof. Hong Shen,
Sun Yat-sen University, China
Dr. Tanveer Syeda-Mahmood,
IBM Almaden Research Center, USA
Prof. Nong Ye,
Arizona State University, USA

Parallel Sessions

Group Photo of Session 1
Group Photo of Session 2
Group Photo of Session 3
Group Photo of Session 4
Group Photo of Session 5
Group Photo of Session 6

Excellent Oral Presentation Winners of ICMSSP 2019:

Title: Rational Function Model Based Color Correction in Image Stitching Applications
Authors: Qiankun Lu,Zeyu Gao,Chao Wang
Presenter: Qiankun Lu, College of Software Nankai University, China

Title: Deep Patch Matching For Hand Vein Recognition
Authors: Qi Yang, Danni Ai, Hong Song, Yong Huang, Yongtian Wang and Jian Yang
Presenter: Qi Yang, Beijing Insitute of Technology, China